5 September, 2014 | RT - http://rt.com/

Hackers used police spy tool to steal nude celebrity pictures

The major leak of nude celebrity photos last weekend was made possible by software designed to let law enforcement lift data from iPhones with ease. The software is used in tandem with a tool made public recently that can crack Apple iCloud passwords.

5 September, 2014 | Softonic - http://news.softonic.de/

iCloud: Apple kündigt Verbesserung der Sicherheitsmaßnahmen an

Phone Password Breaker von Elcomsoft an sich ist aber nicht illegal. Die Anwendung gibt es bereits seit zwei Jahren und nutzt keine Schwachstelle in Apples Angebot aus. Apple überträgt und speichert iCloud-Daten verschlüsselt. Die eigentliche Angriffsfläche ist der reine Schutz mit Apple-ID und Passwort ohne Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung. Die Windows-Software iCloud Control Panel erfordert ebenfalls keine Zweistufige Bestätigung.

4 September, 2014 | K-News - http://www.knews.kg/

Эксперт: фундаментальные изъяны облачного сервиса Apple

Журнал Wired, специализирующийся на вопросах хай-тек технологий, пишет, что на сайтах хакеров упоминается программа российской компании ElcomSoft, которая якобы позволяет пользователям проникнуть к данным в iCloud. Программа, которая продается на международном рынке службам охраны порядка, якобы может предоставить доступ к информации в iCloud в обход iPhone или iPad человека, которому принадлежит информация в «облаке».

4 September, 2014 | PC World - http://www.pcworld.com

The Russian-made tool that grabs nude selfies from iCloud accounts

There’s a seedy trade in compromising photos stored in Apple iCloud accounts, and it is in part aided by a software program that cleanly collects the data. Some of the nude celebrity photos are believed to have first been circulated on Anon-IB, a definitely not safe-for-work forum. As reported by Wired, the forum is full of offers for iCloud “ripping,” or downloading the entire contents of an account.

4 September, 2014 | MACNOTES.DE - http://www.macnotes.de/

Hintergründe zum iCloud-Nacktfoto-Skandal: Elcomsoft, Anon IB und mehr

In den “Medien”, zu denen Macnotes selbst gehört, wurde reichlich über die Veröffentlichung von Nacktbildern von Stars wie Jennifer Lawrence berichtet. Die Hintergründe dazu sind vielschichtig: Es tauchen Namen von Tools und Software auf, wie iBrute oder Elcomsofts Phone Password Breaker, das eigentlich von IT-Forensikern für die Polizei entwickelt wurde. Es zeigt sich, dass Apples iCloud nicht optimal gesichert ist, und der Hersteller aus Cupertino das schon einige Zeit hätte wissen können. Zudem kommen “Normalsterbliche” in dieser Situation mit “der Szene” in Kontakt, die normalerweise in Zirkeln wie Anon IB für sich sein wollte.

4 September, 2014 | Softonic - http://news.en.softonic.com/

FBI & CIA use the same software as hackers to access iCloud accounts

The software is called Elcomsoft Phone Password Breaker (EPPB) and is developed by Elcomsoft, a Russian company specializing in computer forensics. As Wired first reported, ElcomSoft's name first popped up on web forum Anon-IB, where hackers claim to have used the EPPB software– which allows you to retrieve iCloud Backups with a user's original credentials– to extract nude photos from other people's iCloud accounts. According to Business Insider, it was this software that was responsible for stealing iCloud data from celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence, Kirsten Dunst, and Kate Upton.

3 September, 2014 | BBC News - http://www.bbc.com/

Apple iCloud security exploit is a concern, experts say

Technology magazine Wired first reported that software from a Russian firm, ElcomSoft, was being mentioned on a hackers discussion group as a useful tool for infiltrating iCloud accounts. The program, marketed to law enforcement agencies, claims to offer access to iCloud content without the operator needing to be in possession of the iPhone or iPad concerned.

3 September, 2014 | TechCrunch - http://techcrunch.com/

Apple’s Two Factor Authentication Doesn’t Protect iCloud Backups Or Photo Streams

Once they gain access to an Apple account, some are using the login and password to ‘restore’ an iCloud backup using an application by Elcomsoft called the Phone Password Breaker — exporting data including photos and more to a folder which they can then sift through.

3 September, 2014 | MacDigger - http://www.macdigger.ru/

Хакеры похитили фото знаменитостей из iCloud с помощью российской программы Elcomsoft

Личные фотографии американских знаменитостей, опубликованные в Интернете, были получены с использованием специализированного программного обеспечения, предназначенного для криминалистического доступа к резервным копиям мобильных устройств Apple. Об этом пишет в среду Wired со ссылкой на эксперта в области информационной безопасности Кейта Аптона. Речь идет о приложении Phone Password Breaker, разработанном российской компанией Elcomsoft.

3 September, 2014 | InfoRiskToday.co.uk - http://www.inforisktoday.co.uk/

Is Apple iCloud Safe?

Apple has blamed a "very targeted attack" for the suspected breach of numerous celebrities' iCloud accounts, which resulted in nude photographs and videos being leaked to the 4chan image board. But some security experts have taken issue with Apple's explanation for the attacks. And they contend the company's iCloud service remains vulnerable to similar exploits.